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Is it about time we had an active nation? ESSA thinks so and is asking for your support!

Exercise Physiology / Science, Occupational Therapy, The Health Industry

In a continued campaign to raise awareness on the benefits of being physically active, Exercise & Sports Science Australia (ESSA) launched its new advocacy platform on December 11, with the theme ESSA for an Active Nation.

The move calls into action all levels of government, industry stakeholders, and the community to participate in building a nation that supports and encourages physical activities among its citizens.

“Most Australians do not live active lives, despite wanting to experience the range of benefits that come with being active. Too often the blame for inactivity is levelled at the individual. But this is unfair,” says Anita Hobson-Powell, ESSA Chief Executive Officer.

“The opportunity to lead an active life needs to be supported at a range of levels, and in many cases, it is factors outside the direct control of the individual that determines their ability to be active.”

“All levels of government have a large role to play in supporting people’s ability to live an active life. From building cities that encourage activity, to appropriately funding and resourcing physical activity in healthcare.” she added.

CEO Hobson-Powell pointed out some factors that inhibit individuals to be physically active:

  • access to schemes is limited to people who have a diagnosed medical condition
  • the number of subsided services is often limited, meaning a person’s ability to pay can determine access
  • a person’s location can determine access

To strengthen their campaign towards a more active and healthier Australia further, ESSA has commissioned an online petition to ensure a quick response action from the Federal Government.

“ESSA calls on our friends to join with us and help in advocating to governments at all levels to support our efforts to develop an ‘Active Nation’!”

Image by Sydney Rae on Unsplash

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