Terms of Use
I’m Gonna Make It Pty Ltd (ABN 4 1 153 350 764) is the operator of the website My Health Career. Following are the terms of use of this website, which also applies to any means of communication used by I’m Gonna Make It Pty Ltd including email and social media. The use of the terms “we” and “our” refer to I’m Gonna Make It Pty Ltd.
1. Careers advice
We do not employ or contract anyone who is a qualified careers advisor, guidance officer, guidance counsellor or career development practitioner, and therefore I’m Gonna Make It Pty Ltd makes no representation that we offer careers advice. The careers information on this website is general in nature and is no substitute for careers advice from the aforementioned qualified career practitioners. I’m Gonna Make It Pty Ltd takes no responsibility for how you choose to manage your career.
2. Health advice
This website is intended as a resource for an audience including prospective health students, current health students, health practitioners and the broader health industry. It is not intended as health advice for consumers. The content contained on My Health Career is intended to be used as general information only and is not intended to be used to diagnose or manage any disease. This website is not a substitute for independent professional advice. Please see your qualified health care practitioner who is best placed to manage your health. I’m Gonna Make It Pty Ltd takes no responsibility for how you choose to manage your health.
3. Clinical decisions
I’m Gonna Make It Pty Ltd makes no representation that the content on this website is complete, up-to-date or appropriate to be used in the clinical decision making of health practitioners. Please refer to the standards of care from your higher education training, continuing education and as per the codes and guidelines that govern your profession and are handed down by organisations including the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency or your relevant professional Council.
4. Guest bloggers
My Health Career publishes the content of numerous guest bloggers. As we aim to present a wide range of views on the Australian health industry, the opinions expressed by these bloggers are not necessarily the view of My Health Career. We always recommend you do your own research into an area that you are interested in as sometimes our guest bloggers express opinions which may not be backed up by evidence based research. I’m Gonna Make It Pty Ltd assumes no legal liability for and sequelae you incur as a result of acting upon the information in any content posted on the website, including that of guest bloggers.
5. Accuracy of content
Although My Health Career does do extensive research before publishing any video, article or other resource, the accuracy, currency and completeness of the information available on My Health Career cannot be guaranteed. I’m Gonna Make It Pty Ltd assumes no legal liability for content which may be inaccurate or incomplete.
6. Your personal circumstances
The content on My Health Career is general in nature and does not take into account your personal circumstances. This includes content relating to career decisions, career pathways, your health and business. I’m Gonna Make It Pty Ltd and its affiliates assume no legal liability for the consequences of any decisions you make as a result of acting upon the information in any content on this website.
7. Your use of the website
You agree not to upload any content including comments on articles which are unlawful, abusive, defamatory, fraudulent, unethical or obscene. I’m Gonna Make It Pty Ltd reserves the right to remove any materials that may violate these terms of use.
8. Paid advertisements
The terms of the advertising agreements are contained in our media kit and sponsorship kit documents. For online advertisements all materials and payments must be received at least TWO FULL WEEKS prior to the first day of the month where the ad will be uploaded to the website.
No booking is guaranteed until payment is received and I’m Gonna Make It Pty Ltd and its affiliates reserve the right to offer and sell your space which has tentatively been booked but not paid for.
9. Privacy
Please see our privacy policy.